Guest DJ – Lynn Strang “Tracey Deram”


Alias: Tracy DeramFile2303-2
Years of involvement: 1970
Home Location: Rayleigh, Essex
Types of involvement: DJ & Host House
Comment / History:-  Host House


Since Radio kaleidoscope began its transmissions in 1967, it used random GPO telephone call boxes to allow its listeners to contact the station. Many people responded to the stations requests for host houses.

A host house was typically a domestic dwelling where the owners of the property allowed Radio Kaleidoscope to use their facilities to set up a temporary radio broadcast station.


The Radio Kaleidoscope team would arrive and typically install the following items:

  • – An external long wire antenna often disguised as a raised washing line with an extra long push up pole.
  • – A mains powered MW transmitter with an aerial tuning unit.
  • – Two open Reel to Reel tape recorders and boxes of pre-recorded shows.
  • – Depending on available space, twin disco decks (Garrard SP25’s) with approx 1000 records and a Sure Unidyne II microphone.
  •  – When necessary we used an Archer to shoot an arrow attached to a fishing line reel, high into the trees providing us with a much improved broadcast antenna.


Toward the end of the planned broadcast schedule, the host house owner(s) would be invited to try their hand as a radio DJ, some were actually very good and the Kaleidoscope team would deliberately overrun the schedules to allow extra air time, others were not so good and the equipment would mysteriously break down!

During some weekend events it was not uncommon to broadcast all night long with the host throwing a party and inviting some of their friends to join us. It was at one such event that the team first met DJ Jim Randall.

Tracey worked at the FRA she was a good friend of DJ Tony Mendoza, her house in Rayleigh was a typical Host House of the 70’s, Radio Kaleidoscope used other houses in the same area with equally good results.

Once at another host house located at Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, the team were told it would be an all night party for the Leigh Cocklers, but they were not the sort of cockles the team had expected to see!


 Latest 21/09/14 –  Tracey has kindly dug out some of her personal Radio related photo’s that can be added to this site, Thank you Tracey (Lynn)..


Tracey also worked on :-

Radio Recovery – Hospital Radio

FRA – at Rayleigh Essex


Jill age 16yrs – DJ Andy Archer age 20yrs – Lynn Strang age 16yr

Lynn Strang - Car

Tracy Deram on Kathy Jeanette’s Morris Minor Woody


Jackie & DJ’s Kathy Jeanette, Tracy Deram – (Courtesy Lynn Strang)

Tony,Lyn 28.6.69

Dj’s Tony “Double D” & Lynn ” Tracy Deram” 1969

DJs Tracy Deram - Steve Merike 1969

DJ’s Tracy Deram & Steve Merike – 1969

Andy Archer, Lyn Strang ,Cath 1969

DJ’s Andy Archer, Tracy Deram – Cath 1969


Lynn Strang, Linda Van Schagen & Vanessa – 1969

Geoff Pearl, Martin Rosen (glasses) Brian Gilbert, Allen Chapman, Reg Wood, Jill Garner, Jeff Jennings (glasses) Robin Banks & John Wright (Courtesy Lynn Strang)

RNI DJ Mark Stuart & engineer Kirt – The Grange Hotel, Gt Bookham, Surrey. 18.3.1972 ( Courtesy Lynn Strang

Chrispian St John & Mark Stuart – The Grange Hotel, Gt Bookham, Surrey. 18.3.1972 (Courtesy Lynn Strang)

