
Front Page News Southend Standard 1968 – (Ai Enhanced)

1967 – Southend-on-Sea – First Pirate Radio station!

Radio Kaleidoscope was a pirate radio station that operated out of various locations in Essex, UK, during the 1960s and 1970s, and which in many ways set the lead in clandestine radio that land-based pirates followed for many years afterwards. It produced high-quality, inoffensive and fun radio shows, broadcast simultaneously on medium wave, short wave and VHF, and interspersed with unique and professionally-produced jingle sets, provided by a contact in the BBC Hospital Radio service.  It was the first land-based pirate station to offer telephone request shows in 1967, whereby listeners could phone in and request their favourite records.  The station could also receive fan mail, and distribute prizes, by means of an anonymous dead-letterbox in East London.

Radio Kaleidoscope was very much part of the local community, and alongside receiving regular telephone feedback from remote engineers about transmission quality and signal strength, the team also gave talks and lectures to youth clubs and colleges about just what was involved in running a pirate radio station. Read more about the history of Radio Kaleidoscope here.


25sep69 c 1yr-s+c

Southend-on-Sea “Pirates”1968”

Some of the Anniversary Planners whilst the others were still at the Bar !! 2017


The Radio Election 1970 – link to:  M-XCloud



After all the years of trying to track down information of those who helped us repair radios, televisions and military transmitters during the 60.s & 70’s. We have been contacted by a family member of William (Bill) Fleming’s Radio Constructers Centre 

Copyright © Radio Kaleidoscope  —-  Website originator D.T.